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Bureau Gravity
Bureau Gravity
What would help you the most?
I started a new company and I need to create a brand (logo, messaging, etc.)
I need to reach and convert more leads/customers
I want to be better positioned and understood in my market
I want to grow my influence and become a thought leader
I want to recruit more employees
My team and I have great marketing ideas that we need help executing
What is limiting your growth?
Not enough people know about my business
It’s challenging to describe the value of my product or service
There are other large players and their voices are loud
What makes you unique?
My product or service is the best
Proximity to my product/service/project is important to my customers
My product/service is new and/or different.
How is your product/service delivered to customers?
It’s physically mailed
It’s digitally delivered
It must be physically picked up
It’s a service that’s performed locally
It’s a service that can be performed anywhere
It can only be experienced at my location
Your audience is:
Do you have a CRM (Customer Relation Management) or EMS (Email Management System)?
Is your Google My Business Setup?